There is a place out west on
our great lake that is a little harder to get to.
Its authentic, untouched, and waiting to be explored.
Not many experience its magic
You have to go a little further.
You have to venture beyond.
Kinloch +
The Western Bays
Ian pushes the throttle forward propelling the boat toward the western headland keeping watch over the outer reaches of the bay. You are heading to explore a wilderness beyond. A wilderness where waterfalls tumble into the lake and cliffs rise majestically from the depths,high above as if keeping watch over a place that time seems to have forgotten.
Unbeknown to most people, some twenty minutes west of Taupo Township is a sleepy little holiday town known as Kinloch. It harbours a well-kept secret.
Kinloch sits at the head of Whangamata Bay. A place often referred to as the gateway to a hidden treasure known simply as the western bays of the mighty Lake Taupo.